So I don't know who this is for but I feel led to share it anyway. It's 2:22am and I am wide awake listening to the voice of the Lord as He speaks ever so gently. I hear Him say, "Listen for the sound!" Immediately, I am reminded of Elijah in 1 Kings 18, who after a seven year drought, told King Ahab in verse 41 to "Go up, eat and drink; for there is the sound of abundance of rain." Then he prayed for rain to come and it came.
I was then reminded of Ezekiel 37 where God brought Ezekiel to a valley full of dry bones and He instructed him to prophesy to the bones. In verse 7, Ezekiel said, "So I prophesied as I was commanded; and as I prophesied, there was a noise, a sudden rattling, and the bones came together, bone to bone." This prophetic vision was given by God to encourage His people about the restoration of Israel.
God then led me to Acts where the disciples were gathered "in one place and on one accord." Verse 2 says, "And suddenly, there came a sound from heaven, as of rushing mighty wind, and it filled the whole house where they were sitting." Verse 3 goes on to say, "Then there appeared to them divided tongues, as of fire, and one sat upon each of them."
In each of these moments, there was a sound and the sound came before anything was seen with the naked eye. Elijah heard rain even before he prayed for the rain to come and his servant had to run out to check seven times before he even saw a cloud. Ezekiel heard the sound of the bones rattling before he saw the bones coming together as a whole body. The disciples heard the sound of rushing mighty winds before they saw the flames that hit them. Listen, you may not be able to SEE what God is doing right now but if you listen for His still small voice you will HEAR the SOUND of the Lord making a way for you that you could not possibly imagine.
It's important to note that Elijah, Ezekiel and the disciples were being obedient to the call of God on their life. Elijah was sent by God as a prophet to King Ahab and he went to him. Ezekiel was in constant communication with God and was used by God to speak to the people of Israel. The disciples, followers of Jesus, were gathered together to pray. They were all in alignment and in position to be used and to receive what God was about to do. I encourage you to take this time to align yourselves with the will of God. Be still for a moment and listen to what God is doing.
Even now, in the midst of this covid19 epidemic, I hear the sound of the Lord shifting people into position, moving mountains out of the way. I hear Him preparing a place for you, a ministry for you to nurture, a book for you to write, a song for you to sing. I hear the sound of breakthrough coming, the sound of healing, the sound of miracles. I hear the angels preparing to battle. I hear dry bones coming alive again. I hear the sound of a church in labor. I hear the sound of revival being born. I hear the thunderous sound of clouds coming together and as Elijah proclaimed so I prophecy, I hear the sound of the abundance of rain. I hear the Spirit of the Lord saying, "I am going to pour out my Spirit upon ALL flesh. Listen for the sound, because I am coming like a thief in the night. I am coming like a mighty wind. I am coming like a hurricane. I am coming!" I believe that we are about to see an outpouring of the Spirit of God in ways we have yet to experience. I encourage you friend, don't be so caught up in what you see because what you see is not all there is. Begin today to walk by faith and not by sight (2 Corinthians 5:7). Oh, and guess what, faith comes by HEARING (Romans 10:17)!