So I had the most amazing day with God and it all began last night. Last night after asking God to untie me from my past then I had a moment of revelation that I should do some untying myself. So after a quick ride down memory lane (reading old texts), I deleted a couple of contacts from my phone. I immediately felt a sadness come over me, like I was grieved. God said, "You are grieving. A part of you just died. Your past passed and now you're ready" I smile and soon after fell asleep.
This morning, I went to church and we sang the song, "My Soul Longs For You" by Jesus Culture. As we began to sing the lyrics "I believe You will come like the rain," I heard God speaking to me so I spoke out to the church as I received from God. God reminded me of how crazy the rain is in Florida. One minute it could be sunny and calm, the next minute there's a downpour. I began to tell the people that the Holy Spirit comes like Florida rain. Sometimes you don't see Him or hear Him coming, He just open the floodgates of heaven and gushes out. I spoke about Acts 2 when God said that "in the last days He will pour out on all flesh." Then I spoke about in 1 Kings 17 and 18 where Elijah tell King Ahab that there will be a drought and after three years he went back and told the king that he could hear the sound of rain coming. I declared that the season of drought is over and began to sing, "Let It Rain!"
After worship I began to feel like I was going to burst so after leaving the stage, I went straight outside. I began to cry... hard. I mean I was bawling and I didn't understand why. Then I saw this dark spot in the sky from a distance coming towards me. It was a bird. As it approached, I noticed that the entire time it was in the air, it never flapped its wings. It simply soared. God said to me, "You're gonna catch the wind. When you catch the wind, you don't have to work hard, you just open your wings and glide. When you catch the wind, you go where I lead." I then remembered Isaiah 40:31, "But those who trust in the LORD will find new strength. They will soar high on wings like eagles. They will run and not grow weary. They will walk and not faint." I immediately asked God if what I just saw was an eagle. I then saw a jeep turn the corner with a huge camera (like a Hollywood movie camera) mounted on the top and they were filming the bird as it soared. I shared what I saw with another member of the worship team as she happened by.
During the drive home after church, God began to speak to me. He remind me that in order for the sails of a boat to catch the wind it first must be out in the water and secondly, the sails must be in position. He then backed that up with, "for a bird to soar, it must first take off from an elevated position and it must spread its wings." He said, "You can catch the wind but you must take some risks. You have to launch out into the deep waters. You have been elevated, now you must step off the ledge, spread your wings and catch the wind." I felt God saying, "If you take the first step, I will guide you all the way. Don't be afraid! I will not let you fall.
I cried almost all the way home.